Saturday, October 25, 2008

State Fair of Texas

The State Fair of Texas has concluded for another year, and I couldn't be more relieved. One of my clients is The Women's Museum, located within Fair Park, and for the three and a half weeks that the fair rolls on they really go all out. All year long, I help plan the events for this time, and then fly to Dallas to help oversee them. It is exhausting, intensive, and stressful. However one of the highlights of the fair is the WIDE scope of people that traverse through. For three and a half weeks I can come face to face with some of the most bizarre, perplexing and flat out most ridiculous questions and comments one could ever be privy to. Here are some of my favorite examples:

"Where can I find the chicken-fried bacon?"

"Why don't you have an exhibit about Sarah Palin?"

"Do you know where on the fairgrounds the life-size butter sculpture of King Tutankhmon is?"

"Do you have to be a woman to come in here?"

"Why don't you allow women with strollers into your handicap-only elevator? Shouldn't you be supportive of mothers?"

and the best....

"Why isn't there more stuff about men in here?"

Oh State Fair of Texas, you certainly bring an expanse of people into your fold. Perhaps someday I can learn to be as patient and unjudgemental.

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